… a level at a time.

Posts tagged “De La Soul

There’s an unholy presence… do you feel it in your blood?

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, I’ve tried to spend more time outside, enjoying the weather now that it’s summer… even though I hate the humidity, it’s much more enjoyable than freezing during the winter.

Since I last posted, I’ve started farming for mounts on my Death Knight, Deathengine. As stated in a earlier post, I already got the two Drake mounts from The Oculus & The Culling of Stratholme. I also have the mount from For the Horde! [as seen in the picture to the left]. I’m currently trying for the mounts out of Zul’Gurub, Magister’s Terrace, Stratholme, and Sethekk Halls. I can solo them all except for Sethekk Halls, I need my brother to come along on his Druid to summon the boss [Anzu]. I bring my brother along for the other runs most the time since he’s helping me for the one mount in Sethekk Halls. I’m also picking up the Mysterious Egg from The Oracles when I get a chance… no luck yet though.

Other things I’m working on the Glory of the Hero achievement [I only have 9 more requirements/achievements left to do to get GotH], and the different Holiday World Events that exist.

I’ve also spent a little time on my Paladin, Texhnolyze. I wanted to gear him up a little so I could start tanking things with him. I’m not too worried about achievements or anything on Tex… not like Death. I got the mount from The Culling of Stratholme on Tex [honestly though, what group running a heroic can’t get to that boss in time?], but I haven’t bothered getting him the Epic Flying skill yet. His engineering is one point from being maxed out, I’ve just been too lazy to farm up the mats to finish it off.

Tex is almost ready to tank heroics, I just need a few more pieces. Interestingly enough, Death is already tanking heroics… even though I originally didn’t set out to have him tank anything. I just kind of ended up with tanking gear from greed rolls in all the heroics I had run on him. I decided to give it a shot & swapped Death’s dual-wield Frost spec for a Blood-tanking spec.. It’s not the same as tanking with a Paladin [which I prefer]… but it’s decent enough that I’ll do it when necessary [like the other day when the tank randomly bailed right after we got into the instance].

I took Deathengine to Icecrown Citadel [25 man] again this weekend. We had to PUG a good chunk of the raid so we didn’t get as far as we’d hoped. I did manage to improve my DPS significantly since my last run in ICC [at least on group pulls]. I had changed his Unholy spec a bit in hopes of improving DPS, along with a few gear upgrades. The last time I was there I was pulling 6-7k DPS at most for group pulls… this time? Roughly 14k DPS! The third time I went to ICC I managed to walk out with a Deathbringer’s Will & something else [I don’t remember what now]. Shortly after the ICC run this weekend, my guild decided to run Trial of the Crusader [25 man]. The other trinket I wanted [Death’s Choice] dropped… I almost had it, got beat in a roll by one person, and only by 7. What pisses me off more than that I lost it, was as soon as the guy who won it was given it… he said, “Sweet! This is the only thing I wanted out of here!” and quit [ALT+F4] out of the game and didn’t log back in. After we lost that DPS, the raid slowly began to fall apart. We made it to Anub’arak, but without the DPS & heals [because of the people who had left], we weren’t able to down him.

I set up a half-assed layout a few weeks back & decided it really needed cleaning up. It was a bit of a mess and for no reason other than I got lazy. It was so messy, I’m not going to post a screen shot. So far I’ve made vast improvements, it looks much cleaner. I enjoy the minimalist display for the most part, but at the same time… I like to have info in front of me.To the right is a picture of my what my UI looks like when I’m soloing, and below is a picture of my UI when in a group [and in combat]. I still have a few tweaks I need to make… I’m not sure what I want to do about Omen. As you can probably tell, Omen is in kind of an odd spot..  I have to figure out where & how I want it before I finalize my UI and stop messing with it. I can be a bit OCD when it comes to things like that [hell, I’m even being OCD about this post.. 2 days working on it]. If you would like to see a labeled version of each picture – here is a labeled version of my solo picture, and here is a labeled version of my party/combat picture. I believe I will be removing Forte, even though it’s nifty because it tracks my Diseases on multiple targets. As long as I know the time left on my main target, I don’t *need* to know the status of my diseases on other mobs, it’s not important because I have the Glyph of Disease to refresh the diseases on my main target. So long as I keep the Diseases up on my main target, I don’t have to worry about how much time is left on the other mobs. Forte would probably be a bit more useful as a healer to keep an eye as to who has HoTs or bubbles. *shrug* I’ll just have to test it out once I get my Priest or Druid leveled.

To change the font of the combat text over the mob’s heads I use xDamageFont. I also use Prat for the chat window modifications. I have two chat windows to keep the more important stuff separate – Guild. Party, & Raid are in the right chat box, everything else is in the left. The name-plates over the mobs is CaelNameplates.

I ended up dropping Skinning and picking up Enchanting on Death. Enchanting was pretty easy to level… until I hit around 300. Damned Arcane Dust… not really, I just haven’t had the chance to go farm items to DE. Currently Enchanting is sitting at 340/475. JewelCrafting is still about the level it was a month ago [80ish]… mostly because I’ve been too lazy to farm up the materials needed & too poor to just buy everything I need out of the Auction House [I *hate* farming].

Next week I will be going on vacation for two weeks, the plane ticket was and awesome birthday gift from my dad, woot!  I’m flying out to visit family, and I’m not sure how much gaming I will get to do. I know I’ll get to play WoW a little… after all, both my brothers play.